Saturday, December 25, 2010

Y - Yikes

Ha! I couldn't remember what the Y theme was until I looked just now. If there's ever a moment for YIKES! it's a fabulous Christmas morning with a precocious 2 year old and 8 doting, reactive relatives. While Mr. Adorable is certainly an incredibly well behaved boy, he is still through and through a 2 year old boy - excited, expressive and bouncing from one present and person and moment to the next.

To get to share in the joy of Mr. Adorable's third Christmas is truly fun, and a great reminder of what's available when we live in the moment. He was a very able and amiable Santa's helper this morning, handing out the gifts as Grandpa read out the names, and sometimes assisting with the removal of wrapping paper as needed. Right up until he was done, at which point he said "no Grandpa, it's time for hugs" and climbed up into Grandpa's lap to rest for a few minutes.

And then the next round of the sugar buzz would kick in, and he'd be off rolling on Grandma, playing every song in the sing-along book multiple times, and checking on his quieter big cousins to make sure they didn't miss anything.

Mr. Adorable put the Yummy in Christmas morning. And any minute you expect something to come crashing down, but it never does. Knock on wood. ;-)

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