Thursday, January 17, 2013


The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run in to it, and they are safe.
Proverbs 18:10

It’s a song, and a Bible verse, and what comes to mind when I read the ‘prompt’ tower. But writing about my faith is always problematic for me – mostly because my faith is one of the most personal and therefore the most protected areas of my life.

I have another experience with strong towers – that of sealing myself inside one, metaphorically. It’s one of those things that I did for a long time without recognizing that I did it, and without being aware how little it really serves me.

This year, it’s time to come down from that latter tower, and maybe spend a little more time in the first one.


  1. Gorgeous photo and a most excellent post. I hermit when things get tough, my tower needs vacating sometimes too.

    1. Hermits tend to get all musty. We are not musty women - we are shiny sparkling women. XO

  2. What a great shot! And I've lived in tower most of my life, this year, I too will come down and live a little more...

    1. Thanks, Yvonne - that's part of the building I work in. I love it. I think this is a great year for leaving towers & turrets! A pox on Rapunzel!


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