Friday, December 14, 2012


Tears. What a thing to write about on a day like today. A day when I can celebrate having my sons in my life while 28 mothers mourn the loss of their babies of all ages. A day when my world was fine, until I found out what had happened in the rest of the world. I nearly lost my boys once – I hope never to get any closer to that bitter well.

My wise friend Lauren shared this quote: "Let us stay calm and openhearted while we manage our own fear and anger. And help us remember that news coverage is traumatizing for us and especially for our children." - Brené Brown

I had wished not to hear the news. Said stop when someone started to speak it. Rebuked them for not honouring my request. Have avoided what I can, short of shutting myself away from the world. I mentally hug my sons close tonight, the salty sting of tears never really far, and I selfishly thank God that I am not among the grieving mothers tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't look on Facebook for days after the tragedy because of all the postings repeating the horror from Friday.


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